While friends and family are in town for Thanksgiving, skip the shopping and plan an outdoor Fall Festival instead.
Let’s Get Started
Schedule a day of outdoor fun-filled with games and activities of your choice. Use these tips for planning and a list of activity ideas to make this a wild and adventurous outdoor gathering!
Festival Games and Activities
- Have a wheelbarrow race
- Collaborate on a sidewalk-chalk mural
- Get Wild n’ Crafty and make leaf rubbings or leaf animals
- Make gifts for backyard wildlife
- Go Plogging and challenge the group to fill their bags with the most trash
- Blow bubbles
- Fly kites
- Make a leaf maze
- Play Wild Bingo
- Make mud pies or splash in mud puddles
- Play tag and other running games
- Make instruments from household materials, items found outside, or recycled items and create a song with your group
- If there’s snow on the ground, make snow animals or snow art
Tip: Don’t forget to clean up after your event!
Document Your Discoveries

- Write down your plans for your event in your Nature Notebook.
- Have your participants sign a guestbook sheet and leave a happy note.
Bonus: Share your favorite moments from the fall festival on social media using the hashtag #GreenHour.