Autumn is in full swing and leaves have turned from green to beautiful fall colors. As the season continues, our outdoor spaces begin to fill with fallen leaves.

Let’s Get Started

Find some outdoor space like a backyard, courtyard, or park that has lots of fallen leaves. Gather up as many leaves as possible to create a fun outdoor leaf maze.

Good Job!

Good Job!

Draw and design your maze in your Nature Notebook. Draw different turns and dead-ends on your design. Your maze may be made of straight lines, circles, or any other cool designs. Don’t forget to create a way out!



Choose a location with enough open space to set up your leaf maze.



Rake or gather as many leaves as possible and arrange them into your design.

Good Job!

Good Job!

Invite your friends and family to test out your leaf maze with you!





Document Your Discoveries

Photo: schulzie
  1. Design your leaf maze in your Nature Notebook.
  2. Have a friend or family member create their own leaf maze design and try to solve each other’s mazes.

Bonus: Show us your leaf maze on social media and use the hashtag #GreenHour.


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