Fall is a great time to explore trees and all the cool things they leave on the ground. Along with lots of leaves, you’ll find things like fallen fruits, nuts, and seeds on the ground. One common finding is pine cones.

Let’s Get Started

Collect pine cones and other fallen tree items to create fun crafts. Here are a few ideas to get you going.

Good Job!

Good Job!



Create pinecone critters. Collect pine cones and arrange them or pieces of them to shape them into different wildlife shapes. Use leaves and twigs to make feathers, wings, or ears on your pine cone to make them look like different creatures. You can also add things like pieces of paper or fabric to add other creature features to your pine cone.



Make a birdfeeder. Using peanut butter and birdseed, create a simple pine cone feeder to help feed birds in your neighborhood.



Paint pine cone ornaments. Make decorations to use around your home, trees, yard, or balcony by painting pine cones with different colors, patterns, and designs. Add a string to one end so that you can hang them up as decorations. Add fun things like glitter or other small craft objects to your pine cone to make them each a little different.



Document Your Discoveries

Photo: Tetiana Soares
  1. Draw or describe your pine cone crafts in your Nature Notebook.
  2. Give your crafts gifts to friends, neighbors, and family.

Bonus: Show us your pine cone crafts on social media by using the hashtag #GreenHour.


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