There’s so much to see and observe when you go camping! You can make a game out of it by playing Camping Bingo.

Let’s Get Started

Whether you go on a camping trip or set up a campsite in your own backyard, there is so much to discover in nature.  You can make your own set of bingo cards or use the one linked below from Ranger Rick®.




Can you find a patch of moss growing on a tree, the ground, or a rock, spy a squirrel, rabbit, frog, or deer? Find an ant, a spider’s web, or a butterfly?

Good Job!

Good Job!


How many different animals, plants, and other items on your bingo card you can find. Even if you don’t win Bingo, see if you can be the one who finds the most items on the Bingo card.

Good Job!

Good Job!


 Be sure to look high and low for each item. Some items will be on the ground, under a bush, rock, or pile of leaves, in a tree, or in a body of water.  Look for signs of wildlife–like tracks, partially eaten leaves, or scat to lead you to wildlife.




As you find each item on your Bingo card, see how many of the plants and animals you can identify. If you find a butterfly, what colors and markings did it have? If you find mushrooms, see if you can figure out what kind it is by its color, size, and location.




Do you hear any birds, frogs, crickets or katydids chirping, rustling leaves, or flowing water? A close listen for wildlife and nature sounds can help you find the items from your camping bingo game.

Document Your Discoveries

Photo: Ranger Rick Jr.

Draw your bingo card, describe your discoveries in your Nature Notebook, or download the card pictured by hitting the “download” button below.

Bonus: Get ready for your own “best ever” camping adventure. Join this year’s Great American Campout—right in your yard or another nearby place!


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