Whether you live near the coast, visit a beach this summer or spend time in your neighborhood- there are ways you and your family can get outside and help our oceans.
Let’s Get Started
The ocean is actually five different oceans: the Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Arctic, and Southern. They are all connected and cover three-quarters of the earth. June 8th is World Ocean Day. Here are 5 ways you can get outside and help our oceans and all of the wildlife that depends on them


Adopt a Storm Drain
Mark a nearby storm drain to warn neighbors that whatever washes down it from the local waterways makes it lakes, rivers, and eventually the ocean.

Practice Friendly Fishing
If you like to fish, be sure to never leave behind any hooks, lines, or netting. This kind of litter can harm wildlife.

Don’t Let Go
Balloons are fun and festive. But what happens when they escape into the sky? They come back down as litter that looks like food to some animals. It is extremely harmful to wildlife. Make sure that doesn’t happen—or find other ways to celebrate.

Make Art from Trash
Reduce your waste and use less throwaway plastic, which can end up in the ocean and hurt marine animals. Reuse some items in an art project? Your imagination is the only limit!
Always follow health and safety ordinances before heading outside. Be sure to practice social distancing and robust sanitation practices before, during, and after your cleanup.
Document Your Discoveries

- How will you use less plastic to help our oceans? Write about it in your Nature Notebook.
- List and draw the wildlife you help with your efforts.
Bonus: Share a photo of your favorite ocean memory or local waterway on social media using the hashtag #GreenHour.