The rainy days in April help so many beautiful flowers blossom in May!  What kind of flowers can you find in your area?

Let’s Get Started

Head outside and see how many different kinds of flowers are growing in your area. Look up and down because not all flowers are on the ground!




Find flowers of different sizes, colors, smells, and on different kinds of plants.




The number of petals on each flower. This will help you tell different kinds of flowers apart. Make a number list in your Nature Note and mark how many flowers you find with each number of petals.




Not all flowers grow directly from the ground. Some can be found on trees, bushes, grasses, and garden plants. Where do you see the most flowers growing? Which are your favorites?

Good Job!

Good Job!


Use the descriptions, and pictures you record in your Nature Notebook to help you identify the different types of flowers you find. Some flowers look similar, but some of their details will help you tell them apart.




While flowers are pretty quiet, they are very popular! Be quiet and still to hear the buzzing, and chirping of insects, birds, and other interesting flower visitors.

Document Your Discoveries

Common Milkweed
Photo: Jacqueline Houle
  1. Draw and describe the flowers you find in your Nature Notebook.
  2. What else did you spy? Note the other plants and wildlife you saw nearby.

Bonus: Plant a flower of your own. Spend another #GreenHour outside planting your native flowers.


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