Springtime is Frog time.

Let’s Get Started

One of the surest signs of spring is frogs singing. Frogs are cold-blooded amphibians and can’t risk coming out of hibernation too early in spring. 

In spring, male frogs call for females to be their mates. If you’re anywhere near a pond, marsh, or other wet areas, you can’t miss their loud songs. If you look closely you can even find their eggs.

Good Job!

Good Job!


Frogs lay their eggs in water to keep them moist. Look for anything from a puddle to a pond, a marsh or a swamp, or even the edges of a big lake. Frogs usually stay away from deep or fast-flowing water.




How many frogs and eggs can you find in each of the puddles, ponds, and larger bodies of water? How many different-looking frogs and frog eggs can you find? 

Good Job!

Good Job!


Note the locations where you find the most eggs and mark them in your Nature Notebook. Make a map of your backyard, park, or other outdoor space so you can go back and visit them. 




Once you’ve found some eggs, see if you can identify them. Here are some things to notice: Are the eggs floating at the surface or under the water? Are they attached to plants or not? If they form a clump, is it small or large?

Good Job!

Good Job!


Frog calls can help you pinpoint egg-laying places. And if you recognize the different calls, you can narrow down which eggs to look for. 

To hear recordings of common frog calls and see what frogs live in your state visit: USGS.

Document Your Discoveries

American Bullfrog Eggs
Photo: Phillip Stewart

  1. Note where you found the eggs and describe or draw the frogs and eggs you observed in your Nature Notebook.
  2. Go back to visit the eggs every few days. Have they changed? Are any being gobbled up? If so, by what? How long do the eggs take to hatch? What are the tadpoles like?

Bonus: Frogs are most active at night. So grab a light and an adult to listen and look for frogs.


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