Snow painting is easy and a great way to get outside and play in winter. You can do this by yourself or with your family.
Let’s Get Started
To make your “paint” you will need some food coloring, a couple of bowls to mix the paint and paint brushes. (Don’t use tiny paint brushes. An inch or larger is best.) Fill each bowl with water and add a few drops of food coloring until you’ve reached the desired depth of color.
Many food coloring boxes have instructions for creating multiple colors, or you can use these combinations:
Find a place with undisturbed snow for your canvas. You can draw your design with a stick or paint freestyle. Now create your masterpiece.
Make balls and shapes with the snow and then decorate them using the paint.
If you want to make “spray paint,” you will need a couple of clean squirt or spray bottles. Fill each bottle with water and add a few drops of food coloring until you’ve reached the desired depth of color.
Document Your Discoveries

- Sketch you snow art before or afterwards in your Nature Notebook.
- Take a photo of your snow painting.
- Share it with us and tag #thegreenhour.