It may be cold out, but winter winds make flying a kite lots of fun for the whole family.
Let’s Get Started
It may seem strange to fly a kite in winter, but winter is a very windy season. So bundle up and head outside with a kite and your family or a friend. It is easier and more fun to fly a kite with a partner.
Find an open area with no trees overhead or power lines nearby.
Good Job!
Good Job!
Have your partner face you, holding the kite. Back up until you are about 20 feet from your friend.
Do you feel the wind on your face? Locate which way the wind is blowing. Then stand with your back to the wind while you hold the spool of kite string.
Good Job!
Good Job!
When a gust of wind comes, have your partner toss the kite into the air while you jog backward to help the kite lift off. Take turns holding the spool of string. Tug on the string when the kite is sailing upward to make it go faster. If it starts to plunge down, let out some string until the wind catches it again.
Can you hear the wind? Does your kite make any sounds when it is soaring above your head?
Document Your Discoveries
- Draw your kite and describe your winter kite flying day in your Nature Notebook.
- Bonus: Use household supplies to make your own kite! Learn how with Ranger Rick ®.